I started playing Echo Arena during the beta in 2017 and I have not left
the game since. The community has grown from strength to strength and it
would be a huge shame to see such an amazing game disappear for no good
reason. I took part in the very ...
With roomscale in action the headset cable is under alot of strain which
I am sure many people are experiencing, especially with the new launch
of echo arena. I am posting this as a suggestion to either bring the
price for a new headset cable way dow...
"Ruudscorner" wrote:Darnit! Now I got to go try Second Life again.
Probably been two years since last time I had my weeklenght try.
LOL... That weeklength try might turn out much longer after you get a
taste of SL using the Rift... Today I had a sup...
eveyone i came across this post on facebook (of all places) and thought
id share it here, an alpha build of second life support (w...