Hi,I already have a desktop for gaming, but have minimal experience with
gaming notebooks. I got an opportunity to buy a notebook with i7 4810MQ
+ Geforce GTX860M is this a a good notebook for use with Oculus Rift?
A neuroscientist, Dr. Miguel Nicolelis is preparing an exosqueleton so a
young paraplegic person will use it and walk to the center of the
stadium and kick the first ball in the soccer world cup here in my
country. I was watching the video about this...
Is it possible to use a site like sketchfab (https://sketchfab.com/) in
OR with something like a Vireo/Vorpx driver? I'm not a programmer so I
don't know if it even possible WITHOUT sketchfab turning some OR button
My config tool finds DK1 but every demo/game I try shows the "no sensor
detected" so no mag tracking... I already tried the DK1 legacy support
on and off, direct hmd and extended and no luck, everything works in the
new demo scene and new tuscany but...
This is the best rollercoaster experience I had with Rift... and I tried
all rift rollercoasters. The "presence" is very strong and the
sensations of speed and height is spot on. I hope they continue to
improve it!
Ok, this one is great. Well, I must say I really like astronomy so these
kind of demos ticks my box. Titans of Space was one of the first demos I
saw on the oculus rift as a lot of people so you got inspiration from
the right source... The "hud" idea...