Honored Guest
since ‎08-16-2013

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Hi,I already have a desktop for gaming, but have minimal experience with gaming notebooks. I got an opportunity to buy a notebook with i7 4810MQ + Geforce GTX860M is this a a good notebook for use with Oculus Rift? Thanks
A neuroscientist, Dr. Miguel Nicolelis is preparing an exosqueleton so a young paraplegic person will use it and walk to the center of the stadium and kick the first ball in the soccer world cup here in my country. I was watching the video about this...
Hi,I pre-ordered DK2, my shipping was calculated at US$130,00 but I have no info whats the shipping mode? Fedex, DHL? Or EMS? Thanks
Is there a software viewer to view OBJ files in oculus rift?
Is it possible to use a site like sketchfab ( in OR with something like a Vireo/Vorpx driver? I'm not a programmer so I don't know if it even possible WITHOUT sketchfab turning some OR button ON.