I'm trying to debug my VR game with the Mali Graphics Debugger (MGD).
Unfotunately MGD only looks for eglSwapBuffers as a synchronization
primitive and since the VR Lib only uses the front buffer I can't
capture a frame.I already contacted the ARM fo...
The issue is being experienced on a Note 4 with a stock firmware, mobile
SDK 0.4.2 and Unity 4.6.2The problem cannot be reproduced on Unity
4.6beta18 or older.I get a tearing black effect on both eyes. It cover
abouth half texture space. This is not ...
Hi, I also shared some details about our optimization process and a few
things we've done in case someone is interested:
http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/PhilLira ... ers_VR.php
@godatplay Are you building with OpenGL3 and MSAA enabled? That is a
issue with Unity and would give the OculusPlugin message you're
experiencing. If that's the case either build forcing OpenGL2 or disable
MSAA and you should be fine.
That could be a few things:1) If you have Development Build and
Autoconnect Profiler enabled, it will increase the loading time
considerably since app is trying to connect to profiler. In our case it
was taking about 10s.2) Check your texture compres...
Hi Chris, Sorry for taking long to reply. I was out of the office all
these days.Is there something I could do on my end to fix this? I can't
update the VR Service/Shell since I don't have a US phone and the
firmware update won't be available by now....