After a gaming session under link, I turn off my computer but I leave
the USB cable plugged in and powered on (The Quest 2 is connected to a
powered Hub) overnight. The headset is still receiving power, as
indicated by the orange LED.The next morning...
I confirm Zandil's solution works quite well.Just turn off Oculus link
and turn it back on is quicker and easier than a whole restart.I only
need to perform a full restart of the headset when coming out of a
charge cycle (link not showing in the menu...
I have the same kind of issue but I have found way to fix it.The problem
is that initializing the link is not reliable. Sometimes it works,
sometime it doesn't work.You just have to reset the link multiple times
until it works.Make sure your default ...
Oculus link with Quest2 does support USB 2.You will not be able to use
the highest resolutions/refresh rates but it works.I used a USB2
extension cable for about a week while waiting for my longer USB3.0
cable order to arrive.
ton.grahmbeek.1 said: I play fs 2020 by computer. Cannot use te
handcontroles of Quest 2, they are not suported. Will they be suported
in the future?This is a question only the MSFS developers know.You
should ask this at their forums.
I have the same issue as you all.Windows mike monitor says the mike has
a constant 50% volume even when the Quest is OFFAudio output to the
headset sometimes does not work upon first connectMike input from the
headset never works upon first connectWh...