Folks- What is not being stated here clearly is that META will not allow
the same purchased game to be played simultaneously on 2 headsets. This
defeats the purpose of playing multiplayer games with the family! For VR
Fishing I have had to purchase t...
You can no longer share a game on multiple headsets according to
support. You may be able to do it now but it is not part of the META
plan. I have enjoyed playing games with my kids since December of 2021
but now with this recent update I get the mes...
樂Question: Why cant I share my games with a 3rd headset? I want to play
with my Son and Daughter (and perhaps my wife in the future). You are
forcing me to purchase a game 2 or 3 times. This does not seem like a
family friendly model from Oculus. In ...
Dear OculusSupport, Your answer is incorrect. You can only app share
between 2 headsets not 3. I know this because I also purchased a 2nd and
3rd headset for my kids this Christmas. I came here to this forum and
saw your reply before I forked over th...