For people in vr jam, i would recommend you think about these things.
you can take it or leave it. 1-keep im mind motion sickness. witch
means building a game around a sitting possition would be recommended,
but not a must. For example: sitting in a...
its cool but way to big. in theory two full arm attatchments could do
the same and fill alot less space. this is super cool, but not really
consumer friendly and can not be used with a omni directional threadmill
:lol: there is a simple solution to f...
i have some ideas if any one needs some simple ideas for tech demos.1.
moon walk, get the feeling of being the first man on the moon (this is
stuff that can be used in history classes)2. make a Scalextric electric
car racing game, since you basicly o...
RiftMax is not dead, i heard from the creator that an update should only
be weeks away, but its a big one, so it has taken time and he promised
once you see the update you will know why it has taken time.He should
hopfully post an update about it soo...
"neozeroo" wrote:"Dimitris" wrote:any updates on how its going?Yes, I've
got keyboard input (needed for DOSBox) and positional sound for each
TV/Arcade working! I'll post a proper update when I get some consoles
and cartridges to show in a video.Swee...
"blaznee" wrote:Went to processing yesterday as well here.Order date:
May 2ndCountry: Denmarkcool, im also in denmark but i wont recieve mine
before next month, but i still have my DK1 to play around with, but i
dont look at it as a bad thing, it jus...
"wacko" wrote:changing the name to movie.avi worked! the name was really
long and I bet there was a character in there riftmax didn't like. I'll
play with that later, but first I'm watching the film! this is a known
issue, it has to do with the lengt...