Without a doubt, the most challenging part of LaunchPad so far has been
deciding on my project. In my application, I created a list of about
half-a-dozen ideas that piqued my interest. I figured that by the end of
the LaunchPad weekend, I'd be able t...
Creator: Elisabeth de KleerProject: CommunitiesThis week, I discovered
the online Matterport interface (Matterport being the company that
creates the 3D scanner I've been using) already supports 360 video
integration. Using their tools, I was able to...
Creator: Elisabeth de KleerProject: CommunitiesReading through your blog
posts the last couple weeks, I realized that many of you are working
with teams, so I sent some emails and spent some time reaching out to
friends who might come on board to wri...
Creator: Elisabeth de KleerCommunities ProjectLast week, I wrapped up a
bigproject for another company and was finally able to put some real
energy into myLaunchPad project. One of my goals for the summer was to
explore ways ofintegrating VR with 360...
Elisabeth de KleerCommunities ProjectThis week, I obtained a 3D scanner,
scanned a couple community spaces, and began working with the files in
Unity. Room object files, before textures:In wireframe mode, where you
can see the polygons. Lots and lots...
Creator: Elisabeth de KleerProject: Communities in PerilIdeas have been
coming fast and furiously, but I need to slow down, focus, and weigh
what I can feasibly hope to complete by September.In the process of
researching and putting together a list o...