I had this. I suspected it was something wrong or incompatible with my
WiFi router, so I started a WiFi hotspot on my phone. I then factory
reset the Quest 2 so that I could choose a new Wifi, and after I chose
my phone hotspot, the update started do...
Revised instructions follow: @gp360 On your Mac, copy your movie file to
your user folder. For example purposes, lets say it's called
myfile.mp4.Copy adb to your user folder. It is part of the Android SDK
Are you using the USB cable that came with the Oculus Go, or are you
using a different cable? Some USB cables are only for charging and can't
carry data. Or, sometimes they can damaged.Try a different cable.
Only accounts that have an associated Oculus developer organization can
see the Developer Mode slider. Make sure (a) you created a developer
organization and (b) the account you're using is part of that
organization.For more info, see: