Hi All,I've recently updated to version 2.29.5 of Oculus 360 Photos and
the photos in "/Oculus/360Photos" are no longer showing up in "my
photos". I've already done some searching around and seen other threads
with people complaining of similar probl...
I have been placing my own 360 photos in the /Oculus/360Photos directory
- works great. However, when I delete photos from that directory, the
Oculus 360 Photo app still shows every photo that has ever been in this
directory. For the photos that have...
Is there a GazeInputModule that I can use on my EventSystem in
conjunction with a center eye anchor raycaster to trigger the native
Unity events in Unity 5.6?
I am developing on a system which USED to have a Rift attached and the
Oculus runtime installed. However, I recently uninstalled the Oculus
runtime and detached the Rift.Now, when I try to work on my GearVR
project in Unity, I find I am unable to pre...
I also experienced this issue migrating a project from Unity 5.6.0f3 to
5.6.3f1. I was including the OVR Samples for reference and found the
simplest solution to work around this error was simply to remove my
OVRSamples directory from the project.
Yes, same here. I test on a Galaxy S6 and an S7 Edge and the S7 Edge has
a serious stability issue when launching a particular scene - crashes
completely about 75% of the time. Is there something to look for or try
here?Unity 5.6.0f3Oculus Utilities ...