My left controller stopped tracking. I can see battery life is at 100%.
I tried putting the battery out and back in. I tried unpairing and
pairing again. Neither worked. What can i do? I just got this.
i installed the latest runtime, restarted, and plugged everything back
in. The HMD and tracking camera worked fine. after turning off the HMD
and then turning it back on, the HMD can no longer be detected by the
config utility anyone have an idea w...
i just installed the latest nvidia drivers and now i am having no video
getting to my rift again i tried restarting and still nothingvanilla
nonbeta rift software works so i will use that
i have 391.01 nvidia drivers and latest oculus beta software and still
have trouble. If i put my headset on, i will get video and audio for a
few seconds, but it stutters every 2 seconds or so a few times, then the
screen goes black.,