Download Fractal Universe v0.1b APK directly from here:
Youtube video: note
that this is a single-person pro...
Hello,I am from Brazil and trying to fill the submission forms.On the
"Payment Information" page, I select "Foreign TIN" and fill my CPF (a
brazilian document). Whem submitting, though, I get this error in the
end of the page: {"company_tin_type":{"_...
I have been working on and off on Etherea for a few years now, always
using only my spare time. A few years ago it was already in a playable
state, with players walking and fighting inside space stations, taking
off to open space and visiting planets...
I am about to release a game, and have been visiting to fill the required forms. When I reached
the Payment information page, I found out that Brazil is not in the
countries list...Why is that? Sorry to make such a compar...
OK so, even being the above post slightly old, just to help someone else
looking for a solution to this problem I decided to answer here, as this
was the only post to these forums which is related to the problem I had
today.After a deep refactoring t...
To Oculus devs: This makes NO SENSE at all to even support WebGL1
instead of just supporting WebGL2, and I'll explain why (and I tested to
confirm what I'm saying, as I develop using both S5 and S7):Older phones
(ex: S5) which have WebGL1 only, do no...