Our application is generally struggling to maintain (even close to) 75
fps, at least partly due to the data sets which we cannot further
optimize.An idea has been proposed to decouple our rendering from
feeding the oculus in a different thread and ju...
Since updating both runtime and SDK to version 0.7 we sometimes
experience an exception that seems to originate from
ovr_SubmitFrame().It only happens the moment after calling
ovr_DestroySwapTextureSet(), which is puzzling because no subsequent
What happened to ovrHmdCap_LowPersistance? It is still referenced in a
comment in OVR_CAPI_0_7_0.h but it is not actually defined anywhere.Is
it dis/enabled by default now? I have the impression that our app looks
brighter when building with SDK 7.
Hi,I have noticed some behavior I can not explain. Sometimes when
activating the Rift from our app, ovrHmd_SubmitFrame always returns
ovrError_Timeout. If I run the Demo Scene from the Configuration Utility
immediately before activating it in our app...
I'm getting ovrSucess_NotVisible although our app is the only VR app
running.Our app has multiple windows. In my testes there was always one
"main" window and a single "OpenGL" window. No other VR app is running
and tracking always works. I can also ...
"g4c" wrote:So if you know you've missed the 13ms deadline for frame N
then there is no point calculating the frame N+1 that timewarp has
already synthesised. Next frame you need to render is N+2.But I think if
you're running vsynch then that ( skipp...
"opamp" wrote:When your running
you explain a bit more about the concept of dropping frames? If it
generally takes a long time between measuring the p...
At the moment I cannot test, because we reverted back to version 0.6. I
remember that the problem often appeared the second time I destroyed the
HMD, but I'm not 100% sure that this was the only time. Could be the
case though.