Hey, i´ve been having problems with my quest 2, tried factory reset,
changing rooms, changing tracking frequency, different lamps, unpairing
and pairing the controllers but nothing seems to help, i seem to be
having Jitter whenever i look around usin...
I noticed this issue back in 2020 and so far there has been no solution
offered anywhere, I purchased a vive and a new pc since I made my post
and the issue is still present on the Vive and Q2, that said, it is not
on all games, some games don't have...
Airlink is equally bad for me, i would love to have atleast one viable
option, as it is now i just get annoyed and taken out of the experience
whenever i use the Q2 for PCVR.
I have tried different routers wifi 5 and 6, always connected through
cat 6 to my PC, separate channel, but it happens through regular link
for me aswell through different USB ports and different mobos, HL Alyx,
Asgards Wrath, The walking dead SS, Bl...
Yeah Alyx was the first game i noticed which displayed this behavior, no
matter the settings, wired or wireless, either people don´t notice, or
this is something that ocurrs only for some people. might be our HMD.