since ‎07-10-2017

User Statistics

  • 21 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 5 Kudos received

User Activity

I am building an app that is supposed to be released on the Vive, Rift, Windows MR, GearVR, Daydream and cardboard for iOS and Android. I.e. 3 different Android platforms... but as soon as I have the Oculus SDK installed in my project and build for A...
I noticed that if I set the default system for Unity to load to None then my camera is always crawling around on the ground level and thus half the screen displays what's under the terrain. When I set it to load the Oculus instead then the camera is ...
I have wanted to see my custom avatar in my game since day one... Instead, whenever I turn on the ShowThirdPerson boolean I either see the default blue character or nothing at all but in both cases I get 999+ NullFerenceException errors and it turns ...
On the website Oculus says that the shaders may cause the system to appear unresponsive but in my case it just crashes Unity altogether. Trying to restart Unity causes it to crash again before the editor even shows up. Once I delete the shaders Unity...
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