Issue number one, has been happening since i first got my Rift S but
i've gotten used to it over time, everytime i power on my pc, it says
either 'USB connection not working' or 'No displayport connection' i can
fix this by unplugging it and repluggi...
Im not sure but i feel like considering it was your dogs fault and not
really an issue with the headset your probably wont get a refund,
although you probably could buy a new wire
KNP54 said: For issue number three, check if the room you're in has
reflective surfaces like mirrors and such. If so, cover them and test
again. Also when you turn on the rift, try to always have the same
lighting condition. Basically, when you put o...
adam.poole.313 said: Mitsuhaa said: Which issue?I believe your first and
second issues are one in the same, and that is what I was referring
to.Your third issue wasn't there when I replied. You must have been
editing while I was typing. The guardian ...
adam.poole.313 said: Its a very common problem. Search the forum and
there are about 3 or 4 posts like this a day. Don't worry, Oculus is on
it though. Been working on a fix for about 10 months now so I'm sure it
will resolved by the time the Rift S ...