How this multipole by MIT (Music In Technology) claims to bring music
more breath and lively to music and I think it's a perfect technology
for VR!
... _card_2015 ...
89966.htmlPricing of the 20th Anniversary Golden Edition GTX 980
graphics card is unknownThe adap...
"Diorama" wrote:"smilertoo" wrote:As both systems are getting decent
reviews I am likely to buy whichever goes on sale first, assuming the
vive is roughly the same projected price as Oculus (under £300).Vive has
been confirmed to be at a "higher pric...
"panmaster" wrote:I say wait until pascal in 2016.why? bacause CV1 will
hit the market at the end of 2015, so no need to hurry,,, and pascal
will have much better performance, so you would wait only a few monthsNo
doubt pascal is superior, I doubt it...
"TomSD" wrote:"proyb64" wrote:Nvidia is always overpriced for a reason
and that I wait for Titan X to drop and get them for VR.Lolwut? They
have cards at every price point and are extremely competitive for what
you get: performance and drivers far su...