I have clients that get nervous about casting in a noisy Wifi
environment like a trade show. If we can tether a Quest to a PC, it
eliminates a costly VR ready PC/ Rift setup. Tethering a Quest directly
to a monitor would be even better. No need for a...
I have clients that get nervous about casting in a noisy Wifi
environment like a trade show. It might seem that it defeats the purpose
to tether a Quest to a PC, but it eliminates the cost of a Vr ready PC
and Rift S setup. An even more valid use cas...
After updating to the latest Rift Core 2.0, the whole interface for
bringing objects into home has disappeared. When touching the wrist band
I just get a placard with home #1, my name, and a screen shot of the
environment. to the right of that from t...
The goal was to get the new Unity VR mode working in the editor but it's
not looking good. I don't get anything to the headset when I set it to
Direct mode while in Unity. My existing Direct_to_rift exes work fine. I
have the resolution and orientati...
Same issues here. Black screen when playing demo scene. Unity plays a
scene correctly with tracking working correctly - can't get the rift
display oriented correctly to see it though. Downloaded the recommended
nvidia driver, set the res correctly an...
Sorry for the delay. Also, I'm a bit embarrassed to say I can't
reproduce the problem today. The Oculus demo crashes by my demo scenes
are working. I'll post more info if I run into it again.