I wanted to present an idea. It's not the greatest idea but maybe it
would work.Basically as a human I don't have very good peripheral
vision, I mean I can make out shapes and movement but all in all I cant
read text or see fine details that are not ...
Yay KatVr Did what I was thinking... Cept a little lower then I was
thinking... Ingenious way to center the weight load. I didn't think of
that angle on the support bar.The only thing left is to tether a persons
feet to small platforms (like you woul...
Problem with most systems is that they rely on waist restraints which
causes a person's upper body to tilt forward which means they need
something to support themselves and have to walk unnaturally.The ideal
spot to restrain someone is from the cente...
"mrmonkeybat" wrote:I disagree your eyes see in a cone. Depth of field
effects in the Human eye are actually not that great hold up your hand
to the horizon and the blurring between the focal planes is less the
angular resolution of many HMDs. And yo...
"g4c" wrote:Foveated rendering with eye tracking is hard because the eye
is able to move so fast. I would think you need the "motion to photon"
time down to 1ms or less (just guessing here).Wikipedia: Controlled
cortically by the frontal eye fields (...
"fastdancer" wrote:I guess you could see it as having a higher fps for
some parts of the screenThe problem may be that the cells in a persons
eyes that are used in peripheral vision can capture at a higher rate
then the cones in the center of the eye...