Good evenin' everyoneSo, first of all, I'am a Froggy-Eater (Un français
quoi...), so please doesn't matter about my english level...About the
problem, i just unpacked my DK2 this afternoon, installed SDK, runtime
and drivers, put every cables in ever...
Again, nVidia GTX... I think it's certain that the problem come from
their drivers, making conflicts with Oculus drivers... All we can do is
waiting for a new Oculus runtime which is compatible or a new nVidia
driver which include Oculus drivers...Tr...
I know ^^ I'd just report my testing results to give you more
informations to resolve this problem ^^Also, I add that the use of
TriDef change nothing, the DK2 doesn't receive any signal.
Hi everyone.I up my topic because things i said in the upper message
with the "edit mode" does'nt make it up to the front page. So, also i up
because i think thats informations could be usefull for devloppers or
other persons in the same problem, exp...
Hi !Did you try to re-installing drivers ? With an old runtime, and also
try the demo of an old SDK ? The problem seem commin' from a driver
problem, try these solutions. Eikseï, Froggy-eater.
HiLike I said in other boards, many problems seem to commin' from
GeForce cards. Try an old driver for your card, you need'nt to uninstall
GeForce software, just disabling auto-updates, and old drivers can be
obtained by the nVidia site. OR waitin' f...