Hi everyone - There's currently an issue with logging into the Forums
that the team is investigating. While this is going on, you won't be
able to log into your forums account to make posts or comments. We’ll
provide another update when this issue ha...
Hi everyone - I’m pleased to introduce you all to @Ryanality, a new
dedicated Oculus community manager. Ryan’s full time, energy, and
attention is going to be spent on our community. He (along with our
existing team of fantastic volunteer moderators,...
These features and enhancements will become available starting the week
of May 17, 2021. Multi-User Accounts and App Sharing for Quest We
launched Multi-User Accounts and App Sharing for Quest 2 in February and
are excited to announce the release of ...
These features and enhancements will become available starting the week
of April 19th, 2021. Oculus Air Link Oculus Air Link allows you to
discover and pair your Oculus Quest 2 headset to your Oculus-ready PC
over a secure Wi-Fi network. You can opt ...
These features and enhancements will become available starting the week
of April 19th, 2021. Bring Your Desk into VR We’ve added the ability to
place a virtual desk on your real desk to use while you’re in VR. You
can see and use this Desk in the Ocu...
Hi everyone - I have an update to share: we plan to complete the forum
platform transition next week. In order to accommodate this migration,
our forums will need to experience a period of downtime. This Oculus
Forums maintenance period will begin th...
Quick reminder to please report any issues you're encountering /
suspected bugs though the Help Center > Provide Feedback option within
the Oculus desktop app. This will ensure that our engineering team has
the opportunity to review the report and tr...
kojack said: It's around 2:41am for ShowbizDonkey, give him a chance to
wake up.That's on me - sleeping on the job again! ::smile: v25 PTC
release notes are now live here:
Hey everyone - we're beginning to roll out an update to Quest / Quest
v20 today. This release includes general security and stability updates
and will become available throughout the week of 10/15/20. Both Oculus
Quest and Oculus Quest 2 will resume ...
Hey folks - sorry for the confusion here. I was out of the office taking
care of some personal stuff when v21 rolled out to all users last week
and posting the release notes slipped through the cracks, so this one's
on me. I've posted the release not...