"ErrorCheck AddressWe couldn't calculate the tax on your order. Please
check your billing and shipping address, and try again later."Today I
getting this error when I try to buy an app. Is this a known bug or am I
doing something wrong? The last time...
Aliantha said: Holy crap. I never seen so many self-important whiny
ingrates. The email said a week. It has not been a week. Not only that
but nobody is entitled to the $15, that's a credit given to everyone for
1 day of downtime. If everybody who is...
"Check address. We couldn't calculate the tax on your order. Please
check your billing and delivery addresses, and try again later."I am
getting this error when I try to buy an app. I cannot see anywhere where
I can check these details. I assume you ...
Sorry if this is necroposting, but have Oculus shown any willingness to
help with the issue of strabismus? As jherico states there should be a
straightforward way of allowing users to calibrate their headset to
allow for offset vision caused by strab...