With Oculus Integration 1.37 and Unity 2018.3.x or 2019.x.x when I do
Teleporting on my Quest, 50% or more of the time, I teleport in the
opposite direction (behind my starting point) from where I set my
teleport destination. (I know it's possible to...
In my previous developments, I hit an issue using a 3rd party locomotion
package for the "GO" called "VRGO" which worked pretty nicely as my base
locomotion for the "GO" for roughly $10. It's grabber mode allowed
select of a "grabbable" with the lase...
If you haven't already done it, Go to Unity Window/Package Manager and
select and install Oculus Android package, which then allows Unity to
properly install the APK. You probably already know that the "unknown
sources" sometimes needs a refresh (App...