I can't access my wishlist anymore! I tried in chrome browser, in the
Oculus PC app, inside the Quest 2 headset and the Android app. They all
say no internet connection. Also the Rift store has the same error (No
Internet connection) but the Quest st...
Hello community,I have a 30% discount on my next game... limit is Dec
20.Which one should I get?I like puzzle/adventures games... stuff like
Lone Echo 1 and 2, Xing: The land beyond, The Room VR, etc.
Hi guys,When I first set up my Quest 2 it was using only the touch
controllers.Then later I launched the hand tracking demo and since then
I can use my hands to navigate the home interface.But I think the hand
tracking is not ready yet and very buggy...
Almost! Now the Rift/Quest store works on the PCVR app, website and
Android app. But there are a few bugs remaining:PCVR app: if I go to
Library -> Wishlist I still get no internet connection. However going to
Store -> Your Wishlist -> See all, it wo...
Definitely a problem with my account:If I log out and go to
https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/ I can see the list of apps as
normalIf I log in and go to https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/ it
says No Internet Connection!
Hello Support, I contacted chat support and we tried a bunch of stuff
including trying out a different browser and also using my mobile
network instead of my ISP. They were not able to find a solution. Please
note that only the quest store works on m...
Hi, looks like you're not alone, I also cannot view my