Greeting fellow Dev's! One of the new people working on my game lives in
"Madrid, Spain", and he has never tried VR before. It was very apparent
that he didn't understand VR very well, when he said: " Can't we just
make the game first, and then port ...
I have been working on a StargateVR project in my spare time, and I have
posted a few model int he WIP section. I have gotten the Stargate fully
modeled, and basically textured with some decent materials, and I like
the way it looks. It could really ...
Hello, I thought I might take a moment or two to show something that i
just started working on, that might end up being a pretty good VR
controller in the end...well that is the goal so let's all hope so!
The game controller it self is a Cabella's ...
I will be posting my progress as much as possible with the development
of this 'fan made demo' of StargateVR. Please feel free to tell me what
you think, I love "constructive criticism", but dislike trolls;O)Also I
am still looking for some help with...
Greetings! For a while I have been working on a FPS VR Game Controller
for a game that I have been making in my spare time. I have just
implemented some IR positional tracking, and things are coming together
well for my understanding of this sort of ...
I have an AMD 8120 8 Core, that the Oculus tool says doesn't pass the when I used the Tool for Steam VR, it find that my
performance never goes below 90 FPS...not even close, in fact it never
goes below 100 FPS. It is MORE than possible ...
I just wanted to add, if you ARE going to "take a selfie" to try to get
an IPD number. I would make sure first you use a high res camera, and
then just use photoshop to measure. ~B :ugeek:
Also I have a friend who Dev's and all he has is a decent phone, and
some cardboard, just for scale testing, and his stuff is decent. I can't
show because of NDA, BUT it does work for dev purposes and viewing scale
this seems to be "ok", and might ge...
Lets be real now everyone. Do you want the software to actually keep up
with the hardware? I feel we need to take things a bit slow, for lots of
good reasons. One chief reason, as we have seen at the start of this,
software needs to stay in line with...