i keep getting this message. I tried using DDU Uninstalled AMD drivers.
After restart and manually installed the latest driver from AMD website,
it works the fine. But the message appeared again after I restart my
computer. I repeated what I did, but...
I just purchased and downloaded Elite Dangerous through oculus store.
After I clicked the game trying to start it, nothing happened and the
home room reloaded. I tried reinstall it but still the same. I went on
tried to start it using the three dot o...
MAC_MAN86 said: Ah ok try going into your FD account online and see if
you need to activate a Key there.I just did mine all over again and all
it does is ask to Sign In (warning in VR) then sends you an Activation
Code by email to enter and then clic...
MAC_MAN86 said: You must LOGIN to the Launcher first time. It come be
running under your Oculus APP already (should be). If not then do a
manual start of the Launcher in it's Folder. From that it should get you
to provide an Activation Key (4 charact...