Hi I downloaded the OVR lip sync SDK and I've been having a difficult
time getting the live capture Demo to work. I'm able to get audio to
record through my mic but nothing happens to the Demo skeletal mesh I
spent all day looking at other peoples tu...
Yeah I saved up money for years, learning UE4 in my free time just so I
can spend 1 year working full time by myself on game development for
Oculus and it feels like I've been forced to waste almost half of that
time just on the review process and I ...
It's been almost 4 months and 18 version builds submitted and I've been
rejected by performance 1. I've also been using the MQDH Performance
Analyzer and in the meta dev docs it explains that loading screens are
an exception for low performance in fr...
This shouldn't be the case I think something similar is happening to me
too. It's been almost 4 months and 18 version builds submitted and I've
been rejected by performance 1. I've also been using the MQDH
Performance Analyzer and in the meta dev doc...