I spent the last week porting my previously steamvr only game to target
both oculus store and steam distribution. I have a nice multiplatform
solution that passes all the VRC checks, except one! The package
contains DLL libraries that are known to ca...
I have my app working fine with both Vive and Rift when using only
OpenVR SDK in player settings.To prepare for submission to oculus store,
I need to run the Validation tools, (VRC Validator etc) none of the test
passed until I added Oculus to the li...
I have a pc app that I want folks to be able to see in the Library. My
app is not in the oculus store. how do other apps like Virtual Desktop
do it?Thanks
Where is the store for RIFT games?Are you just extending the mobile
store to sell PC games too?I'm surprised you have not opened the store
up already to get some feed back\load testing before the unwashed masses
in there shiny new rifts show up and c...
Its been nearly 80 days!
https://developer2.oculus.com/my-apps/482028405255685Is it me?did I do
something wrong?Should I just try again? Do I need to go into the
wilderness and fast? Please, Im just one guy trying to release a game.
my tech demo got ...
Thanks! That will be good enough. I'm Curious how others solve
supporting both headsets in the actual project. I'm using unity XR
Camera Rig and a bit of code to detect the loaded platform SDK and
determine which platform specific objects to "enable"...
Starting down this path myself. Did you pass your builds through the VRC
validator? https://developer.oculus.com/blog/tech-note-vrc-validator/The
docs say "The results of these tests will be shown in the developer
dashboard and also be sent to you vi...
did you have the player object inside and empty game object and scale
only the EMPTY game object? This was the Best Known Method last year...
not sure if it still is. I scale my character this way, not blurry
VR is mostly real. Think about what your currently doing. Imagine your
on top of a tall building. Leaning in to look at the building across the
street isn't going to move your view much. Now pretend your looking at a
model of a city on your breakfast...