Hi Oculus,i'm interested in the Summer of rift adventure pack. but
already have 2 out of 4 of the games in it.is there any way you can
offer customers in this, or similar situation a "upgrade" based on
current ownage of parts for grouped game promo's...
Hey Guys,probably there are already a gazillion threads on how good
Touch is.... well... here is another one Got my Touch package
delivered yesterday.nicely packaged just like the rift, top notch.did
setup touch with 2 front facing sensors, and have...
Got my Rift today, and would like to share some of thoughts with you
all.1. It arrived in very good shape. love the box ! it looks absolutely
premium2. Installation, smooth as butter 3. As soon as i did put it on,
and the first images where appearing...
Got my Rift today, and would like to share some of thoughts with you
all.1. It arrived in very good shape. love the box ! it looks absolutely
premium2. Installation, smooth as butter 3. As soon as i did put it on,
and the first images where appearing...
Got my Rift today, and would like to share some of thoughts with you
all.1. It arrived in very good shape.  love the box ! it looks
absolutely premium2. Installation, smooth as butter 3. As soon as i did
put it on, and the first images where appeari...
cybereality said: Sorry, this is not supported right now but it's good
feedback.Thank you Cyber ! SnackyAU said: I don't know the answer but
would be nice - Steam has that type of feature right? Like if you own a
game in a bundle you get -XX% off the...
rankinsect said: Well, on the original question - if they did offer you
either a direct replacement (with a wait) or the FuryX, I would likely
have waited for the replacement. It is the better offer, even with the
warranty difference. Honestly, if th...
For some reason, the graphics quality in Assetto Corsa is WAY better
than in Project Cars. (In VR that is)but... i'm stuck in the pitlane for
now in AC, looks like i have some setup work to do before AC works
properly with the rift. In Project cars i...
Well, after 3 days, i'm still extremely happy.fine tuned my Sensor
placement, and now the judder is gone.Pinball FX2 VR is absolutely huge
fun for me.had quite a few fun races already in Project Cars and
iRacing.Blaze rush is good fun as well, and tr...