Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre un problème incompréhensible.J'ai acheté le
jeux, puis installer. Le jeux se lance tout est ok. Toutefois lorsque je
souhaite lancer une partie en multijoueur j'ai une erreur "echec QoS"
... Est-il possible que le multi n...
Hello, I have a laptop with 2 graphics cards, a built-in radeon and an
RTX 3070. And I am using the QUEST 2 headset When I activate the AIR
LINK, nothing happens. When I deactivate the Radeon, AIR LINK works but
with very very poor performance. Why i...
Hello,How do I share a movie in a private room with friends?I managed to
create a private room and invite my friends to it. However when I launch
my manga, I am the only one to see the content ... the others see
nothing ... do you know how to do so t...
Bonjour à tous,Comment il faut faire pour partager un film dans une
salle privé avec des amis ?J'ai réussi a créer une salle privé et à y
inviter mes amis. Toutefois quand je lance mon manga, je suis le seul à
voir le contenu ... les autres ne voit r...
J'aimerai acheter un jeux "dash dash world", mais j'ai peur du Motion
Sikness et il n'y a pas de démo de ce jeux. Pensez-vous qu'il est
possible d'acheter un jeux et de se faire rembourser après un certain
délais !
You must also trace your problem to the oculus support and if he tells
you that it is not them but to go to the support of your laptop
computer, you insist with them in order to explain to them that the
problem comes from the oculus software! That wa...
I'm sorry, I'm not very comfortable with English. I read it again ... I
can't explain it better ... the most important You have to go to the
device manager, thing is to deactivate the graphics chipset and restart
the computer so that only the gamer g...
I found the solution. Basically the problem is that the Oculus PC
application only recognizes the GPU in use, namely the secondary GPU.
You have to force it to recognize the main GPU : I deactivate the
secondary GPU, I restart my computer. I reactiva...
I am in France so I have no problem.However, I have two friends in
Israel. They can download the game, but it won't launch. In Read Dead
Redemption 2, it was the same in online games. We could go to a saloon
together, I could start a game of poker, b...