Hi everyone,I'm not sure this is the right place to post this so open to
deletion, but I'm trying hard to set up a credit card so I could finally
try this Omega Agent that brags everytime I open the shop.However I've
tried two of my credit cards, a d...
Hi everyone,I'm gonna ask a little question so that this topic has a
purpose and is not considered flood, but I felt I had to express how
impressed I have been with the Samsung Gear VR. For any curious browsing
this forum and wondering if they should...
I had the same problem, Android app updated and no option to pair a
Quest 2 (selected Quest wouldn't find the device). I googled it, found
this thread, and uninstalled/reinstalled the app which solved it for me.
Not sure if they are of any value but here is what I have in mind.
Thanks for the idea anyway!- Any plan to enable Gear VR users to grab
apps from Oculus Share? Or any work on a Gear VR Share?- How big is the
Oculus team working on the Gear VR?- Woul...
Awesome experience indeed! I also get motion sickness easily, and
gamepad turning is super tough indeed (like in any other game). I'd like
to see a one button turn back (180 degree instant turn, no animation).
Actually I was able to start the download from the in-gear app, but then
remove the headset and still have the app keep being downloaded in
background (with a persistent notification showing me the progress). So
not blocking, but indeed could be more...