Hi guys, i have written an article on the Quest 2 on my website/blog
Something new reviews. Please have a read of it and feel free to start a
conversation on the bebsite
I have the S6 and new Gear VR, and have read all over that there is a
Samsung app called MILK VR but can I hell find it!! I'm in the UK and
when I go on the MILK VR site there is no where to download the app.....
Can anyone help??
"andyring" wrote:"markylad" wrote:@Andyring. How do you get to try the
competition stuff on the Gear S6?Go to the vrjam link a couple of posts
above on your phone. (just type in mobile vrjam winners or something
like that)Click on build and download/...
"catrik" wrote:Sounds likeThese headphones look like they will
compliment the Gear VR nicely.. they come out in july i ordered a pair
here https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ceek ... c/x/575068One thing I
want to try is the bluetooth VR controller it...
I found this link about the charging
porthttp://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/05/09/h ... s6-headsetBut I also
read it else where, but can't remember which site, where when they used
it the battery still drained, just not as quick?