Im having prb with installing Elite Dangerous and EVE Valkyrie. It wont
get passed finish install the game.the issues seems to be with
visual-cpp-2010-vcredist_x64.exe.1. Oculus seems to wanna install that
driver by it self.2 i have tried installing ...
nangu said: Hi @Kedea, Are you running oculus home on a non admin
windows account? I have the same problem as you.I use Windows as non
admin user, and I have the same problem OH not finishing installs, even
when admin credentials are provided to ocul...
I've asked this time and time again, WHY does oculus need to have a
finish installtion in oculus home? Why not remove that and the issue
would resolve it self instead off insisting off having it. It's like
apple trying to prevent an open platform or ...
LMAO, ive had a ticket up on this forum for months and they still can't
fix it. I starting to wonder what kind off people do they have over
there. In one ticket the support started to blame my pc is at flaw even
though it worked fine before the updat...
@cybereality i have already tried the steps you noted, oculus will not
finish installation off eve valkyrie and elite dagnerous. This is just
stupid that you can't fix this shit. Sorry for language, im getting
agraveted with this stuff. Ive even been...