Hi,I'm developing a small app that plays 360-3d videos with Unity3d for
Oculus GO. Since videos are pretty heavy, between 3 and 5 Gb, I'm
downloading them on request at runtime. My problem is that I can't
download them.I tried using Android DownloadM...
I'm developing an app were the user can download, from inside the app,
VR videos. My problem is that since these videos are huge (we are
talking Gb) the users start the download and then take the headset off
expecting to be done when they put it back...
Hi,I'm developing a simple app for OculusGO with Unity3d (2018.2) where
the user can choose a 360 video from a library and play it.I used the
CurvedUI plugin and TextMeshPro for the text to reproduce the library
feeling of OculusGO but after a lot of...