I'm having a little problem with my DK2 on Windows 10. I upgraded to it
yesterday, and everything was still working fine the day before.
Basically when I press the Power On Button nothing happens while the
Utility it says "HMD powered off, check HDMI...
OK now I got my Rift working flawlessly for the first time, at least for
now. I connected the HMD to a USB2 port instead of USB3 or USB3 Hub. It
now seems to be detected every time. Mind you this is with the
replacement cable they sent me. The same U...
I've been having no luck running the Rift since I got it at launch (HDMI
not detected). It used to work sometimes when replugging the USB or the
HDMI, but never reliably. I contacted them a little while later (I kept
trying and hoping it gets better,...
Unfortunately I don't have the correct replacement cables right now. To
clarify, you propose to use the Tracker directly on the HMD in order to
do this replacement? Since I don't see another way to do it, because
there is too much fused into the Sync...
They seem to know about it: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/psa-5- ...
es.350644/My question is, does the 0.7 Runtime work with 5.1.3
regardless?EDIT: NVM, it does not seem to
http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/oculus ... st-2271072