Im close, so close! But looking left actually looks right! I tried
taking out the .inverted but that just means that look up/down are the
wrong way round, I tried computing the up vector from the cross of the
right and direction vectors, but same thi...
So im trying to compile
to use opengl as I want to add in LeapMotion with minimal effort, but
thats for later..)And I spent ages trying to figure out what .libs I was
"kojack" wrote:Matrix4f ovrOrientation =
Matrix4f(Quatf(eyeRenderPose[eye].Orientation).Inverted());Why are you
inverting the orientation of each eye pose? That would make it look in
the opposite direction.Ok I was doing it to reduce my problems from...
"tmason101" wrote:The problem with the above code that remains is head
tilting not working.Currently with the above code when you TILT your
head left you tilt right and vice versa.Is there anything I can do to
fix that based on what you see above?Tha...
That fixed the second error, now I'm back at square one haha.I've found
a simpler method here: I got it to build
and run so I think I mess around with it to learn more. Thanks for your