Wordsmithery said: So, can anyone from the OR Dev team make a comment on
this please?This is a community forum, the OR "dev team" never posts on
here so nope you won't get that comment.If you want to make a feature
suggestion, https://riftcorebeta.us...
In order to take advantage of Dash functions like pinning windows in
game, I need to run ED via OH, right?Nope, should just work anyway.Can I
just get an Oculus key from Frontier and copy the ED files to the right
location to save on limited download...
Hey look, found some time to write before heading to work. Tamriel must
wait again :'( So yeah, I've only played for 11 hours in the original
Skyrim. Have (or probably got) the SE too, didn't play that at all ... I
guess it somehow never really got m...
andysonofbob said: Wait wait wait! How do you sprint!? Can you sprint?I
just watch a PD video and he was sprinting. What are the button combos
for this?Push down on the stick.