Ever since the update yesterday I've been able to play my games on much
higher settings than I could before, and this is awesome and got me
curious, since I'm no expert on the field.Why is it not used in normal
2D monitor games? Would PSVR be better ...
Last time I played E:D I used the "VR High" settings with 1.65 pixel
override in the debug tool, and I maintained a 80-90fps rate. The last
couple of days however, I've been lagging like crazy on these settings
and FPS in stations is <40, which is un...
I have never seen a 360° video in VR that had a quality compared to
something I'd watch on a 2D monitor. I find that all the hype about VR
videos that "take you somewhere else" are misleading, because all I see
are pixels and low resolution. I don't ...
The goal of virtual reality is evidently to transport you into modified
worlds that are either more visually appealing, exciting or horrifying
than the real one. With an Oculus Rift we're tricking two out of five
senses into thinking we're somewhere ...
Please post your rating of this game taking into consideration fun
factor, value for money, overall polish and using the following criteria
if you have purchased/played the game:5 Stars - Awesome4 Stars - Very
Good Not essential.3 Stars - Average 2 S...
You can watch 3D movies in the Rift and it's really awesome. A lot
better 3D effect than on cinema but the screen seems just as big.
However to buy a 800$ headset for only this seems a bit of a waste to
me. You could look at the Pimax headset that's ...
Hopefully Facebook will just hand over 500m$ to Oculus and pretend like
nothing happened. Because if not, Oculus is pretty much screwed. Keep in
mind that 500 million is the income of about 800 000 Rifts sold. Or an
equivalent of selling the next 1,6...
Do you have Touch? I had a 12 year old try my Rift over Christmas and he
really liked First Contact, and wanted to play it several times. He also
liked Bullet Train, but some might argue that's not for 12-year olds ...
A few games show everything you see through the rift on the monitor,
that's when the mirror looks like
the screens in the rift are actually curved (at least th...
I bought mine second hand and have had no issues. I bought it from a
site that let me check the product for 24 hours before they sent the
money to the seller. It was also unopened and unused.