New to all this, and had a couple of questions that search didn't really
address. 1. Can this thing get online with its wifi off, via its USB to
a connected computer? Wife doesn't like wifi and she's missing out on a
lot of great content and features...
Eye tracking would be a good thing to replace a mouse pointer for some
new form of menu/focus system. Coupled with voice control perhaps
triggered by a finger pinch type of gesture to represent 'listen' to the
OS; thumb and forefinger for left click,...
A three meter sphere, sitting in a matching cage (2/3 buried in the
ground, or steel supports in a trailer) like a ball bearing cage. The
thing could move all directions, and have some mechanised rollers onto
the underside of the sphere to stop it sp...
I wonder if adjusting brightness between displays will increase the 3d
effect, by reducing intensity to the dominant eye and increasing
brightness to the weaker eye. Most everyone has a dominant eye AFAIK but
it is pronounced in some people. Try and ...
Another idea for this....... is to have a single blade sabre represented
that turn off's on a block, and reignite on the other side of the hilt.
Like a double bladed saber but with only one blade on at any one
time.This way the result of a block (con...