I received my Rift a couple of days ago, and when a black/dark scene is
displayed, the left eye has a very red gradient to it, along with a
slight almost static haze. The right eye exhibits similar behavior,
albeit to a much lesser degree. I've found...
I'm really hoping to eventually get a replacement unit for mine that's
having a similar issue. The eye strain it's causing in my left eye is
unreal, and my buddies doesn't have it at all
That's the biggest problem. The significant difference in each eye, has
led to 4/4 of the people I've demoed to getting eye strain in the left
eye and/or a headache within 15 min. I borrowed my friends Rift to test
it out, his shows no red at all, an...
Yeah, I'm kinda in the same boat (CC issue.) I'm hoping it switches over
from "Ready" to "Processing" sometime today, I'd hate to miss the boat
on this batch because of a problem with my card (April 23rd Order)