Native application (Windows 10, C++, SDL, Oculus Rift S and Leap
Motion). Just updated to the latest Oculus Rift SDK 1.41.0 and Leap
Motion SDK 4.0.0. Following the update, the scene rendered 90 degrees to
the right, so called to recenter it
Porting a Leap Motion/Oculus Rift app (Windows 10, C++, Leap Motion SDK
Orion 3.2.1 and Oculus Rift SDK Commercial version 1.25.0) from DK2 to
Oculus Rift S... Any advice in general? Any experience with Oculus
Guardian in particular - how to turn it ...
Hi. Can't compile and link Oculus Tiny Room in Visual Studio 2015 in
Debug mode because the latest 1.25.0 SDK does not seem to come with the
Debug library x64 but only with the Release library x64 which leads to
runtimemismatches when used in Debug m...
Windows 10 Fall Update, Visual Studio 2015 Debug, x64 app and OS, SDK
1.25.0,DK2Been updating an Oculus app to the latest SDK and getting the
error C2039 'HmdToEyeOffset': is not a member of 'ovrViewScaleDesc_' Has
HmdToEyeOffset been replaced and by...
Hey, hey, hey! In SDK 0.4, I believe, ovrHmd used to have WindowsPos as
a member.Resolution apparently remained as a member and gives the size
of the window.Only, how to access the position of a window in SDK
0.6?Please, see code here below, thank yo...
Alright, ended up simply disabling the Guardian System, not needed if
siting down while playing, by toggling the Guardian System
Enabled/Disabled option in the Home Universal Menu.
Hope it can help someone who is updating their SDK...The member
HmdToEyeOffset has been replaced in "OVR_CAPI_Util.h" by the structure
member const ovrPosef HmdToEyePose[2], defined in "OVR_CAPI.h": typedef
struct OVR_ALIGNAS(4) ovrPosef_ { ovrQuatf ...
Actually, running Samples/Projects/Windows/VSxxxx/Samples.sln
conveniently allows you to build LibOVR.lib in Visual Studio as needed,
namely the x64 Debug library (see link here
I am in the same situation... Wondering if the DK2 still works with the
latest Oculus PC SDK 1.10.1? And if not, which version(s) does it work
with? Bottom line, Oculus, please, you got to support the DK2 - just as
we supported you by purchasing it b...