Honored Guest
since ‎03-18-2015

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I am keen to connect the Galaxy Note 4 wirelessly to a TV so people who aren't wearing the headset can still see what's going on. This will be useful in presentation situations. I bought the Allshare dongle but it cant handle it.Anyone managed to sol...
Is it possible to upload 360 video with 360 audio to the Samsung Gear VR?
Hi there,I have been uploading 360 videos to the 360 Videos folder on the Samsung Gear VR micro SD card for some time now. All these videos have been with stereo sound. I am now ready to upload videos with 360 binaural sound, which will respond the m...
I am loading my own content into the 360° Videos folder of the Gear VR. The existing content (Iceland etc) have Thumbnails in the menu. At the moment my content just have blue boxes. Does anyone know how to upload Thumbnails so that my content can ha...