I am sorry if this is seems like is too much of a layman's perspective,
but I ran into this article which I hope we are allowed to link to and I
felt compelled to put it on a VR developer forum in case it sparked
ideas for someone.First, I realize th...
The comments have been so numerous on the FOVE kickstarter page that
some of the early responses may not be seen, so I'd like to point out
that they stated that they have stated that they will be supporting
OpenVR and seem pretty bullish on also supp...
I already feel the guilt of making a marginally-informative post, but I
do feel the need to point out that there is not really a guarantee that
Vive will make the ambitious "Holiday 2015" release date. (and on some
promotional images I have seen "Nov...
I guess that indiegogo campaign didn't work out?Here's one on
kickstarter that looks very, very promising (called "Roto" or
"RotoVR"):https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ro ... escriptionI've
read a couple positive reviews of their prototype that wa...