Heroic Explorer
since ‎05-01-2017

User Statistics

  • 156 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 28 Kudos given
  • 43 Kudos received

User Activity

4 years have past since I begun making this game, and it's possibly finished now. The game is free on Steam, Oculus PC and AppLab (search for the exact name on the Quest and it will be possible to install).Top scores are viewable as replays on the we...
This game is free on both AppLab and PC. Take the chance to beat some high-scores and also play some of the 40 available user-created levels. When you are ready turn off Easy Mode, and beat the others.GFVR mission in Lava level
First I see that there was an updated version, but it could not be installed. I removed the game to try and install it from scratch, but it can't install it. Anyone else having this problem?
The ability to add user created levels is added, and it happens that MrA has created 16 high quality mission levels. All with hiscore/medals and replay. For now MrA is alone in the hiscore so we need players. All new levels are on page 2 (arrow right...
This app has been around for about a year, and now I have made a SideQuest version (free as all the others). The hope is to also bring cross platform 4 player multi player by the next year. There is a lot of contents just waiting for you. 55 levels w...