Heroic Explorer
since ‎06-01-2015

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This thing:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM7aviAhxG4Would you buy it?
These specs would be worthy of the name CV2. It would strike the right balance of value versus upgrade cost. The non-resolution specs are perhaps the most important items. Increased FoV and bifocal in particular could really help immersion. If they d...
I think I posted about this a couple years ago when I first got my Rift. It's still a problem for me. I have tried everything.I perceive the relevant skull factors to be:1) I have a strong occipital bone structure (strong rear skull).2) I have weak z...
The computer scientists among us will have heard of the ZOI principle of software design:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_one_infinity_ruleI always think about this principle when considering the problem of physical scale in VR.Zero:A stationary ex...
http://www.tomshardware.com/news/bridge-crew-delayed-for-enterprise,33642.htmlThis game is really the only reason I bought Touch. These delays are killing me.They are adding a TOS bridge which is cool! I want a TNG bridge though!
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