Risk-taker. I hope to be defined as a risk-taker some day,though I am
probably one of the most careful, rule-following humans you
mayencounter. I’ve been thinking about how my work may be defined some
day,because I’ve been thinking about death. I’m t...
Week 11For personal reasons this week I could not post ourprogress. On
my immediate return from California I dealt with some
emotional,unexpected moments. I am sad to have missed this posting but
it was a veryemotional week. I will gather strength to...
Week 12!It is so inspiring to see everyone's progress! This is really an
incredible group.LIVE THEATER IN VR: We are still working on this
project exploring live performance in VR. I am now writing for this
medium blog and thought I'd share my journe...
These past two weeks have been interesting moment. Anytime a pivot
happens I believe it can cause a lot of energy to propel a project
forward; or the project needs to find its feet again. Here I am
balancing two projects that mean a lot to me and piv...
This week has been a unique week filled with organization, research, and
pre-production.First, our research has been going well with the Theater
and we're going to try a new more focused round of research. We'll also
be launching a blog! I will post ...
This week I have pivoted and put full focus into METROPOLES.Our
developer from California was in New York to work withmy UX designer and
I. It’s so rare to have a chance to work together in person,so we
started with a table session with paper and pen...