When Oculus Home kicks in a download it tends to screw up whatever
online game I happen to be playing at the time. Even though it's not
using a lot of the pipe it seems to use up a lot of resources. Do you
feel that it would be useful to get an optio...
...otherwise it crashes. It worked fine for the first month I had my
rift and now this weird issue!As long as I leave my headset off until
it's launched it plays fine. If I have it on when I launch the game it
crashes on startup. Anyone know the issu...
Hi all,So I got Arizona Sunshine to show up no problem. Fired it up from
my steam software and it showed up in Oculus Home before it had even
finished loading! Great! Several other games have done that as
well.However, I can't seem to get Raw Data to...
Hey there,I easily suffer from nausea in any game where there is smooth
movement. I can play Arizona Sunshine, Robo Recall etc for hours but 5
minutes of Echo Arena and I'm toast. Mage's Tale looks interesting but
I'm a bit worried about the comfort:...
Hi all,I keep hearing how great Lone Echo is but I am very susceptible
to nausea. So I thought I would test out Echo Arena. Unfortunately I
lasted through the tutorial and about 3 minutes in the hub before I felt
nausea coming on. Is the motion in Ec...
I figure I fiddled around with the tray tool. They can't support
everything. What I need to do is remember to set things back to default
when troubleshooting.
I had a similar issue. For me the issue was I had Air Link turned on but
it has to be off for the cable to work. Unfortunately their error
messaging definitely could use improving in this area. Hopefully that
fixes it for you.
Tuggenov raises reasonable requests with a sensationalist headline.
Zenbane comes in with the heavy gate keeping and pendantic arguments.
However, there are good points with both of them.Having the ability to
have multiple saves and multiple accounts...
As LZoltowski said, all three sensors have to see it. I just reset mine
up as I upgraded my computer and had the same issue. I had it in front
of my head which was blocking it from the back sensor.