HelloMovie :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KiOb0JKQIU&feature=youtu.beI started
learning about developing and programming a few weeks ago and before
that i wanted to make the best VR platform, but it was much too large to
begin so now i am making ...
helloI am to understand that there is no software that ports my normal
desktop to oculus rift split screen, meaning that every game and app
must have its own integrated solution?I understand this is all still in
its infancy, but im having to swith th...
Hello developers,I have been working hard to conceptualise a total
solution that encompasses every aspect of the upcoming VR boom into 1
cohesive user experience, and this phase has been completed succesfully
into a clear roadmap for success.The form...
This game was dead for 6 months, i have spent another week on it now and
it is becoming awesome.Lots of progress in a week.Physics based
snipergun with projectile and real time scope with zooming function on
the mousewheel.https://www.youtube.com/wat...
This looks awesome!What is the licence? Can i use it in a project and
give you a %? I`m a noob but i see potential to put this in a game.Can i
get the ue4 project file if i get permission?
"KydDynoMyte" wrote:It's nice to see what can be done in such a short
time starting from zero.Thank you!!I am working very hard 14 hours per
day. It is 1 step foreward, 3 steps back.I was always scared of coding
and programming and i let that stop me...
#MicrobotsGame NEW DEMO! ---> free stuff->float in space-> be a microbot
in #VR