I uninstalled Darknet from my Note 4 and installed the updated version.
On starting it, I go thorough the loading tunnel, then lose all visuals
and have only audio. The original version worked fine. Anyone else have
a similar issue?
I'm probably the last one to notice this, but The Night Cafe now runs on
my Verizon Lollipop 5.0.1 Note 4!It was one of the VR Jam entries I'd
most wanted to experience but would only crash back to Oculus Home every
time I tried to run it. And with V...
So, if you have a Gear VR, then you must also have a Samsung Galaxy Note
4 phone that is capable of taking 360 degree photos.(See
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIvwwl-PVw8 )Let's make use of this new
technology to allow us to visit each other's hom...
You know those first few moments when you awake from a deep sleep and
don't know where you are, then you look around and realize, "Oh, I'm in
my bedroom!"? I'd never experienced VR when my Gear VR arrived in the
mail. By the time I'd got the kids to ...
Ah thanks, I knew it was probably something stupid on my part. I thought
Trivia was just part of Oculus Social, not a separate download that then
operates within Oculus Social. I'm set now.
I can't enter the trivia rooms at all. I keep getting a message saying I
need to have Trivia installed to play. I've uninstalled and reinstalled
Oculus Social without any luck. I have a Note 4 Innovator's Edition Gear
Thanks for the info! That link answers my questions. Good to know a Note
4 version is coming. Darknet is a great game and provides hours of
challenging and fun gameplay. The abstract 3D graphics are what you
would expect from futuristic games, only t...