FYI - We just sent out an update giving an alternative method of
providing the link to your signed APK: ... submissionIt's a late night,
you've all been working hard, and for many of you, ChallengePost is not
A few teams, especially ones with large builds (400MB+) and slow-ish
internet connections, seem to encounter the following error
sporadically:There was an error with signing your APK. Please try again
or contact for help.This seems t...
Also, if you go to the blog post from your phone, there are direct
'Build" links directly below each image. Tap this from your phone
directly to download and install the build.
Sorry all, we made a mistake when trying to address some launch crashes.
We said we would allow a bug fix build re-submission per finalist, but
since this cannot be executed fairly, we will not accept additional
builds at this point. If you’re a fina...
Thanks for the feedback - it sounds like the update was not specific
enough. Per the rules, we will screen the original builds in Round 1
judging, and if the build does not reflect what was described and shown
in the video, description, etc, they won...
We explain the difference between the two pages in the update that went
out this
morning: go to
the same pool regardless of whether it's done from the official
submission page or the "portfoli...