Is there a way to disable the gear vr controller or shut it down? When I
power up my gear vr the controller controller is always there. Also when
I dont toch it. I have two controllers I want to use but the gear vr
controller is always there. Iike th...
Are there any graphics settings for the VR? When I play the Hospital and
the cathedral Allison's Diary the graphic are not oke. It seems like the
shadows dont move as fast as the rest of the images so there is an blur.
When I read reviews and everybo...
Today the cast button suddenly appeared in my app! Yeah! Only when
casting to the chromecast there is no sound in games. When i am in the
main menu there is sound but nothing in game. Yes sound is on (In the
casting, phone and TV).
since yesterday (maybe before that but yesterday i wanted to install
apps) apps from the oculus store wont install. I have more then 4 GB
free memory on my internal SD and 10 GB free on my external SD. It
downloads till around 99% and then nothing. A...
Well I think it's right what you say but there is an different thing.
Black smear is produced by amoled screens because on amoled screens an
black pixel is really off. When it should get an color there is an small
time needed for the pixel te power o...
There is a second way by installing play cardboard. This temporary
disables the gear vr ability and then you can use the gear vr as normal
cardboard with apps and games (and YouTube). You will see drift issues
as you cannot use the built-in sensors b...
Use the 2017 version or use the (cheaper) 2016 with an GH98-41582A
connector. Would not recommend to do otherwise. Probably would not be a
lot of graphics improvements from an S6 to S8. You most likely won't
encounter overheating.